Safety First: Keeping the Marina and Club Safe
Safety First: Keeping the Marina and Club Safe
The well-being of Members, boaters, and guests is key at ONE°15 Marina Sentosa Cove. Here’s how we keep you in safe hands.

1. Trained First Responders
We are one of the few marinas with a team of specially trained First Responders, who can assist in fighting fires, providing first aid, and rescuing trapped victims before the Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) arrives.
2. Access Card Entry
Only boaters with access cards can gain entry to the marina, and visitors must be escorted by the captain or crew member at all times. This reduces the risk of damage to boats and protects our Members’ property.
3. 24h CCTV Surveillance
Along with 24-hour CCTV surveillance, we have security officers on patrol and marina staff on duty 24/7 to uphold safety and security in the marina.
4. Fire-Prepared
Fire hose reels, fire extinguishers, and fire carts are located throughout the Club, and easily accessible in the event of a blaze. The Club also regularly holds fire drills at the marina and within the Clubs’ compound to ensure that all personnel stay alert and prepared in the event of any emergency.
5. Reporting for External Visitors
Being a private marina, the privacy and security of boaters is a top priority. If you are expecting external caterers or contractors, they need to report to the security office before entering the marina. We also provide in-house catering services for yacht charters and events hosted at the Club, as well as a range of F&B options from fine dining to casual settings.
If you spot any security concerns around the Club, please reach out to us at [email protected]. We thank you for your vigilance in helping keep the Club and marina a safe space for all.