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ONE°15 Marina: Embracing the Three Pillars of Sustainability – Restore, Recycle, Renew

ONE°15 Marina: Embracing the Three Pillars of Sustainability – Restore, Recycle, Renew

Aug 2, 2023

​At ONE°15 Marina, the principles of sustainability are not just buzzwords; they are deeply ingrained in the club’s DNA. As operators of a marina, we are conscious of our contribution to this tableau and remain steadfast in our commitment to finding innovative ways to maintain a sustainable marina and marine environment. The spirit of restoration, recycling, and renewal guides every aspect of our operations. Through a diverse range of initiatives, ONE°15 Marina sets a remarkable example for the maritime industry, demonstrating that environmental responsibility and business success can go hand in hand.

















Under the banner of restoration, ONE°15 Marina has pioneered the ONE°15 Marina Coral Garden, Singapore’s first man-made coral garden within a marina. Established in 2018, this unique initiative serves as a research site for the NUS Reef Ecology Laboratory, enabling trials of coral restoration techniques and the breeding of new coral species. By determining which corals thrive in marina waters, we contribute to the health and preservation of the marine ecosystem. Regular dives by our Eco Advisors, Dr Toh Tai Chong and Sam Shu Qin who are established marine biologists and Co-founders of Our Singapore Reefs, monitor the coral growth, health, and the diverse marine life visiting and residing in the marina.





















Recognizing the power of education in effecting change, ONE°15 Marina launched the Blue Water EduFest (BWE) in 2022. This event, comprised of a conference, networking receptions, Blue Water Heroes Awards ceremony, and a marina cleanup, aimed to raise awareness and educate stakeholders about the threats our oceans face. By engaging boaters in action against ocean pollution and donating to the WWF‘s Sharks and Rays monitoring project, we actively support the conservation of marine ecosystems. BWE also celebrates young Blue Water Heroes who have made significant contributions to ocean conservation, inspiring others through their achievements.













Recycling plays a vital role in our sustainability journey, and ONE°15 Marina has taken several innovative steps in this domain. The installation of three Collec’Thors units strategically placed where marine trash accumulates allows for the capture of up to 100kg of solid, liquid, and microplastic waste. These units not only contribute to waste reduction but also promote recycling through the reuse of nets that capture the trash. Moreover, our commitment to waste management led us to upgrade our waste pumpout boat, increasing its capacity to 1,500 liters of blackwater. Equipped with an electric engine and a more powerful pump, this vessel ensures efficient waste management for superyachts while minimizing our environmental impact.





To maximize the use of renewable energy, ONE°15 Marina is installing solar panels on the Clubhouse’s roof areas. By harnessing the power of the sun, we aim to replace a significant portion of our electrical consumption with clean energy, supporting Singapore’s Green Plan 2030 objective to quadruple solar energy deployment by 2025. Moreover, we have implemented various electricity-saving initiatives throughout the Clubhouse, such as LED lighting, motion sensors, and energy-efficient air-conditioning systems. These measures not only reduce our carbon footprint but also result in cost savings for our operations.









Beyond these specific initiatives, ONE°15 Marina is committed to ongoing efforts to minimize our environmental impact. In 2021, we pledged to remove single-use plastics by 2025 as part of a global marina initiative. To reduce the use of non-biodegradable materials, our F&B retailers have switched to eco-friendly alternatives such as biodegradable paper straws, takeaway containers, and bags. We actively encourage our staff to reduce the use of single-use plastic disposables and unnecessary packaging, while hotel room toiletries have been switched to permanent dispensers.

The journey towards sustainability is an ongoing one, and ONE°15 Marina remains dedicated to exploring new ways to reduce our environmental impact while achieving our business objectives. We are proud to align our efforts with the United Nations’ 2030 sustainability goals and Singapore’s Green Plan 2030, striving to contribute to a greener and more sustainable future.

As we continue to restore, recycle, and renew, ONE°15 Marina invites our stakeholders and the wider community to join us on this journey towards a more sustainable future. By working together, we can make a lasting positive impact on our oceans and create a better world for generations to come.