Meet the Team: Royston Lopes
Meet the Team: Royston Lopes

Assistant Outlet Manager of LATITUDE Bistro Royston Lopes is a familiar figure for most people who visit the Club. One reason is that he has been here for the past nine years, and the other, is his ever-smiling face, convivial personality and customer-centric approach.
“I am an extrovert, passionate and outgoing person,” he chimes, stating the obvious. “That’s why I chose a career in hospitality.” The Longitude crew can vouch for that—his welcoming manner is a signature we have come to expect every time we are at the Club for a shoot or interview.
It is quite possible that we have mistaken his brother Joyston, Assistant Banquet Manager at the Club, for him—as identical twins, they share the same characteristics and mannerisms. “Joyston is five minutes older,” says Royston. “I am always excited to talk about my family,” he says unprompted, his eyes lighting up further.
Royston was born and brought up in Mumbai, India. His mother is a homemaker and father, whom he lost in March this year was a construction materials supplier. He has a sister, who now manages the family business.
His parents were very clear that they didn’t want all the siblings to be involved in the family business, but rather pursue diverse careers. When it came to the twins, however, they wanted them to be identical in more ways than one. Sure enough, aside from sharing the same looks and personality, Joyston and he also got the same grades in school and college and now, they work in the same company, holding similar positions.
The preferred career options were the medical line or in hotels—as both offered opportunities across borders. “I was average in studies, so I chose the latter,” smiles Royston. And as predicted, he found the skills transferable across countries—in Mumbai, Dubai and now, in Singapore.
It was when he was working with SATS (Singapore Airport Terminal Services) in Mumbai that Joyston, who was already working at the Club, got wind of a vacancy at LATITUDE Bistro. Armed with years of restaurant experience, Royston was a good fit for the position, and unarguably perfect for a service-oriented Member’s Club. He started his career here in 2015 and, in his words, has not looked back.
A new job is a scary prospect for anyone—the goals, expectations and unfamiliar environment. Royston confesses to being apprehensive about how his restaurant experience would translate in his new role. “But I was lucky to be in a supportive environment,” he adds. “My brother was always around, and my colleagues were very kind and helpful, and educated me on the Club facilities, which I am now able to pass on to newer colleagues.”
Anticipating customer needs and proactively addressing them is innate to Royston. He was quick to adapt that to the “club” atmosphere. Unlike in a restaurant, where every day is different and one meets different guests, the focus here is about building rapport, he says. It’s the simple difference between starting the conversation with “the specials of the day, and asking: ‘Would you like your usual or shall we get you something else’?”
Royston not only settled in quickly and well, he accrued a slew of awards. Aside from several Employee of the Month recognitions by ONE°15 Marina Sentosa Cove, he was given National Kindness Award and Excellent Service Star Award by Singapore Hotel Association; and Sentosa Star Award and Sentosa Service Champions Award issued by Sentosa Development Corporation.
Royston credits his upbringing and especially his late father for his work and service ethic. “My dad was my inspiration and role model. He was the kindest person I have ever met,” he recalls fondly. “He was generous, thoughtful, honest, and he has never talked bad about anyone.” These aspects have obviously made an imprint in his mind, as the awards are bestowed based on positive feedback from Members and guests. One such is from a British couple, who were guests at the hotel. They had landed in the wee hours of the morning, with two young, hungry and tired children, aged three and five. As it would be hours before check-in time and breakfast, Royston made a few quick calls across departments and laid out couches in the Children’s Playroom with towels as sheets and blankets, so the children could sleep. He also
organised fruits for the family to have. Touched by his kindness and resourcefulness, the guest wrote him a roaring review on TripAdvisor, and to the Club’s General Manager and its headquarters.
Royston has stories aplenty of how he has improvised, saved the day and garnered appreciation for his work, and emphasises on taking ownership when mentoring his staff. “I always tell them to think of this restaurant as their home. When they do that, they will always want to learn more about it and always care,” says Royston. He has clearly taken his own advice to heart, making the Club his home and a place where he sees himself for years to come.
The original article was published on the July/ August’24 issue of Longitude, ONE°15 Marina’s Club magazine. Read it here.