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Marina Etiquette

Marina Etiquette

Jan 10, 2020

A world-class marina like ONE°15 Marina Sentosa Cove requires world-class marina etiquette from all boaters and visitors. Here are some helpful hints to make our marina facility a happy place for all.

1. No Fishing

A study on marine biodiversity conducted by the National University of Singapore’s Reef Ecology Laboratory found at least 50 species of animals living in ONE°15 Marina’s waters. We have further teamed up with the Tropical Marine Science Institute (TMSI) of NUS to plant and grow new corals on the marina seabed. Help us preserve this biodiversity by not fishing in the marina.

2. No Dumping of Waste

The sea is home to diverse marine life, and it even helps in regulating the temperature on land. As part of our commitment to caring for the environment, the dumping of waste and oil in the water is a strict no-no.

3. Avoid Hanging Laundry on Deck

Our Club is located at Sentosa Cove, a premium residential island resort. So please refrain from hanging your laundry on the deck of your boat—it detracts from the idyllic vibe of the island.

4. No Littering

No littering, please. Over 270 yachts are berthed in our clean, sparkling waters, and it is on us to ensure that Members and visitors alike continue to enjoy the pristine environment of our marina.

5. Keep the Pontoon Clear

Pontoons are common spaces to facilitate passage. To make the marina a pleasant and welcoming place, do not leave your personal belongings, such as bicycles, on the pontoon. These may be removed by the Club if they pose a hindrance to others.

6. Discard Cigarette Butts in Ash Trays

Really need to light up? Kindly discard your cigarette butts in ashtrays or bins, as butts are full of toxic substances like nicotine which may pose a threat to the marine biodiversity if it makes its way into the waters.

If you are more suggestions for proper marina etiquette to include in our list, we’d love to hear from you at [email protected].